
Nanatsu-boshi Audit Corporation (hereinafter the "Corporation") has established a Reporting System to gather information on violations or potential violations of laws and regulations, etc. (including fraud, window dressing, acts doubtful for maintaining the independence of the Corporation's partners and employees, etc. and insider trading), and on violations of professional ethics by the Corporation, the Corporation's partners and employees, and its clients or, etc.
The information provided to this System will be used for the purpose of improving the quality of our Nanatsu-boshi Audit Corporation's business operations.
When submitting information, please include the date, your company name (your personal name), and specific details of the incident (date, location, name of our client, names of persons involved, etc.) (anonymous submissions are also accepted).Information provided to the System will be kept strictly confidential and, in principle, no response will be made to such information.
Information that is intended to benefit an individual, or is intended to cause personal harm or slander is not covered by this hotline.

In-house Hotline

Email To with "Reporting System" in the title
Post To the Reporting System, Kishimoto Bldg. 7F, 2-2-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan

External Hotline

Email To with "Reporting System" in the title
Post 1110 Ward, 11th Floor, Shin Marunouchi Building 5-1 Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6511
Neuest SOGO Law Office
Lawyer Mr. Shigeki Funahashi